tirto.id - Contoh soal Advertisement Text (teks iklan) beserta pembahasan dan jawaban, penting dipelajari sebagai bahan analisis baik untuk siswa kelas 9 SMP atau jenjang yang lebih tinggi, kelas 10 atau 11 SMA.
Iklan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Advertisement (atau disingkat menjadi Ads). Biasanya iklan berisi informasi tentang produk, jasa, lowongan pekerjaan, sampai acara atau kegiatan. Advertisement atau iklan bertujuan untuk mengumumkan sesuatu agar banyak orang tertarik untuk membelinya atau menggunakannya atau sekedar mempopulerkan produk tersebut. Advertisement bisa berbentuk tulisan, audio, atau audio visual.
Advertisement text atau teks iklan merupakan salah satu bentuk tulisan yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan produk, layanan, atau suatu acara kepada khalayak umum. Secara sederhana, advertisement text dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu product advertisement (iklan produk), service advertisement (iklan layanan jasa), job vacancy (lowongan pekerjaan), dan event advertisement (iklan acara atau kegiatan).
Secara fungsional, advertisement text mempunyai beberapa fungsi penting. Misalnya, memberikan informasi, membujuk orang untuk menggunakan barang atau jasa, memberi kesan tersendiri bagi audience, dan tentunya sebagai alat komunikasi antara penjual dan calon pembeli.
Struktur advertisement text secara umum terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu bagian judul (title) dan penjelasan (explanation). Bagian title berisi rangkuman atau topik utama dari advertisement text, misalnya seperti: buy one get one free! Sedangkan pada bagian explanation biasanya berisi semua informasi mengenai advertisement itu sendiri, bisa berupa produknya, mengapa produk itu penting, siapa saja yang harus menggunakan produk tersebut, apa saja manfaatnya, dan lain sebagainya.
Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas mengenai advertisement text, berikut ini contohnya: Using the best teaching methods by qualified teachers, you have found the right place to learn English. Join us right now: Let’s speak English!!! 100% money back if you can’t speak English.
Contoh Soal Advertisement dan Pembahasannya
Memahami struktur dan tujuan teks iklan sangatlah penting, baik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Soal-soal advertising text di bawah ini menguji kemampuan pemahaman kita terhadap informasi yang disampaikan dalam teks iklan. Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca iklan secara teliti dan mencocokkan informasi yang tercantum dalam iklan dengan pilihan jawaban yang diberikan.
This week only
SAVE 35%
Men's and women's clothing
Shoes, coats and sweaters, swimwears, jeans.
Jewelry: watches, rings, earrings, necklaces
SAVE 30%
Furniture: leather sofas, dining tables and chairs, bookcases.
Luggage: bags and briefcases
Berikut adalah soal dengan urutan A, B, C, dan D yang sudah diubah:
- Who is the writer of the advertisement?
A. Cassanova's workers
B. Cassanova's owner
C. Cassanova's customer
D. Cassanova's reader
- What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To ask people things in Cassanova
B. To inform people about things sold in Cassanova
C. To persuade people to buy things in Cassanova
D. To guide people to go to Cassanova
- What kind of advertisement is it?
A. a job vacancy advertisement
B. a shopping advertisement
C. a franchise advertisement
D. an entertainment advertisement
- How long is the sale?
A. five days
B. six days
C. seven days
D. eight days
- What goods get 25% off?
A. Bags and briefcases
B. Bookcase and chairs
C. Necklaces and watches
D. Dining tables and leather sofas
The trip takes five hours on the older, slower train. On the express train it will take only three hours.
The express train will have larger, more comfortable seats, and there will be free food for the passengers.
There will be two express trains a day between Riverdale and Mayfield.
There will also be four regular trains. And be happy with these regular trains because the tickets are cheaper.
- This text is in the form of …
A. an advertisement
B. a notice
C. a traffic sign
D. a memo
- Why should people be happy with the regular trains?
A. The tickets are cheaper
B. They are more comfortable
C. The seats are larger
D. The food tastes better
Indonesia’s leading company is looking for the right person to fill in the following position:
Executive Secretary (ES)
- 4 years experience as EXECUTIVE SECRETARY.
- Female with maximum 33 years old.
- Min. D3 Secretary, preferable, from Tarakanita.
- Excellent in operating computer software program.
- Excellent in English both oral and written.
Interest candidates should send application letter and CV within 10 days to: ariari.wardaya@vacant.co.id
- What position is needed?
A. Executive secretary
B. Tarakanita
C. Computer programmer
D. Indonesia’s leading company
- The following are the requirements needed, except …
A. Four years experience
B. Able to speak English fluently
C. Able to operate computer
D. Able to type letters for 10 days
- Where can you usually find the text?
A. In newspapers
B. In a diary
C. In a photo album
D. In one’s wallet
Exclusive Facial Cotton
100% pure cotton without bleaching
Ensures better absorbency and comfort for cosmetic application
Hygienic way to remove make up and cleanser
Its softness is suitable for baby’s skin
- What is the main function of the Exclusive facial cotton?
A. To clean make up
B. To absorb cosmetic
C. To soften baby's skin
D. To comfort the face
- From the text above we know that Exclusive facial Cotton is …
A. Hygienic in certain items
B. Pure white without chemical process
C. White with certain addition substances
D. Natural because of no chemical process
More than 80,000 words
With this electronic dictionary
Made of strong plastic
Comes in two colors
Dark grey and light blue
- What is being advertised in the text above?
A. A complete dictionary
B. An electronic dictionary
C. A strong plastic
D. A correct spelling
- From the advertisement above, we know that …
A. The price of the item is Rp104,500
B. One of the item's colors is dark blue
C. There are more than 80,000 words in the item
D. The item comes in many colors
- From the text we know that the writer wants to …
A. Give information about a new complete dictionary
B. Inform the cheap price of a strong plastic dictionary
C. Persuade the readers to buy an electronic dictionary
D. Explain how to use a complete electronic dictionary
- Which one is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The price of the item is $104.50
B. It has more than 80,000 words
C. The dictionary is made of plastic
D. One of the item's colors is dark blue
- How many colors are the dictionaries available?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
(at the open field near the Prawn Restaurant)
Daily shows: 4:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 8:30 p.m. (Mondays to Saturdays)
Sunday and Public Holidays:
Special extra show at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Opening: 1 December 2009 at 8:30 p.m.
Last Day: 31 December 2009
Adult Rp 100.000,00; Rp 75.000,00; Rp 50.000,00
Children (7-12) Rp 40,000,00
Below 7 years free
- The social function of the text above is …
A. To describe about the prices of the tickets
B. To entertain people by enjoying the circus
C. To attract people to come to the circus
D. To give information the holiday attractions are from India
- Which statement is incorrect based on the text?
A. The least expensive ticket for adult is Rp 50.000,00
B. The seven-year-old children can see the circus without paying
C. The circus show will last for a month
B. There are no morning shows in daily shows
- Where will the circus show?
A. In the field
B. In a hall near Prawn restaurant
C. In the hotel
D. In the playground
Penulis: Auvry Abeyasa
Editor: Fitra Firdaus