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50+ Quotes Menyambut Ramadhan 2025 Bahasa inggris Penuh Makna

50 Quotes menyambut Ramadhan 2025 bahasa Inggris penuh makna untuk dishare via status WA atau FB kepada teman, sahabat, dan keluarga.

50+ Quotes Menyambut Ramadhan 2025 Bahasa inggris Penuh Makna
Ramadhan Kareem. FOTO/iStockphoto - Quotes menyambut Ramadhan 2025 bahasa Inggris penuh makna bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi umat Islam yang hendak berbagi pesan menjelang bulan puasa. Adanya kata mutiara yang menggugah jiwa bisa membuat sahabat, rekan kerja, sanak saudara, atau orang-orang terkasih lebih bersemangat menjalani bulan Ramadhan 1446 H.

Ramadhan adalah bulan yang istimewa. Dalam 29 atau 30 hari sepanjang bulan, umat Islam akan menemukan momentum untuk menumbuhkan religiusitas, kedisiplinan, dan pengabdian kepada Allah.

Firman Allah dalam Surah Al-Baqarah 183, “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kalian berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kalian agar kalian bertakwa” (Quran 2:183). Ayat ini mencakup inti Ramadhan, yaitu kesempatan untuk penyucian jiwa dan jalan untuk mencapai takwa.

Banyak momen dalam Ramadhan yang menyambungkan tali silaturahim. Misalnya, shalat isya yang disambung dengan shalat tarawih, yang membuat umat Islam berbondong-bonding ke masjid. Juga, momen berbagi sedekah takjil pada orang-orang yang membutuhkan.

Saat kita berbagi dalam berkah waktu yang suci ini, kita diingatkan akan pentingnya kasih sayang dan upaya saling memperkuat satu sama lain. Firman Allah dalam Surah Al-Hujurat:10, “Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman itu adalah bersaudara”.

Di bawah ini, 50 kutipan yang telah kami rangkum ini menjadi sumber inspirasi dan renungan saat kita mempersiapkan diri untuk menyambut Ramadhan 2025.

Dengan membaca 50quote di bawah ini, dan membagikannya kepada orang-orang terkasih, semoga kita bisa mewarnai bulan yang penuh dengan janji rahmat, pengampunan, dan kedekatan yang lebih erat dengan Allah.

50 Quotes Sambut Ramadhan 2025 Bahasa inggris Penuh Makna

Berikut adalah 50 quotes dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menyambut Ramadhan 2025, yang penuh makna dan inspirasi:

  1. "Welcome Ramadan 2025, a month to renew and strengthen our spiritual journey."
  2. "Ramadan is not only about fasting but also a chance for spiritual renewal and increased devotion."
  3. "Let the spirit of Ramadan fill your heart with peace and love."
  4. "May this Ramadan bring joy, health, and wealth to you and your family."
  5. "Embrace the blessings of Ramadan and let it inspire you to be the best version of yourself."
  6. "Ramadan is here, let us welcome it with a heart full of peace and gratitude."
  7. "May the divine blessings of Allah protect and guide you this Ramadan."
  8. "This Ramadan, let us cleanse our souls and seek forgiveness."
  9. "A month to repent from our wrong-doings and sin. May all of us find peace this Ramadan."
  10. "Ramadan is the time to empty your stomach to feed your soul."
  11. "Let’s celebrate Ramadan as a time to purify the soul and refocus attention on God."
  12. “May the crescent-shaped moon brighten your path toward enlightenment and may Allah bless you with peace and grace."
  13. "Wishing you a Ramadan full of moments of joy and spiritual growth."
  14. "This Ramadan, may you find the strength to forgive and the capacity to love more deeply."
  15. "Ramadan Mubarak! May this holy month bless you with togetherness and happiness."
  16. "Let this Ramadan be a period of healing and forgiveness for all."
  17. "Embrace the month of Ramadan with a heart full of cheer and harmony."
  18. "May this Ramadan be as bright as ever and bring joy, health, and wealth to you."
  19. "During Ramadan, let your deeds attract Allah’s love, noor, and forgiveness."
  20. "Let this Ramadan give you the strength to live a better life that pleases God."
  21. "Ramadan teaches us patience, humble submission to God, and the importance of time management."
  22. "May the spirit of Ramadan stay in our heart and illuminate our soul from within."
  23. "Happy Ramadan 2025! May this Ramadan be successful for all of us and provide us with good health and wealth."
  24. "Spend more time in prayer and praise this Ramadan. God heals all wounds."
  25. "May this special day bring peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Ramadan Mubarak!"
  26. "Ramadan is a reflection of who we are and what we can become through the grace of Allah."
  27. "Let the fasting break your chains of sin and gift you freedom in God’s grace."
  28. "Ramadan is the month to seek forgiveness and set yourself free from the chains of sins."
  29. "This Ramadan, may you be blessed with good health, prosperity, and may Allah's blessings always shine upon you."
  30. "Let us make this Ramadan a turning point in our lives, breaking all the bad habits and making all the good ones."
  31. "May your prayers be answered this Ramadan, and may you feel the presence of Allah in your heart."
  32. "Ramadan Mubarak! Seek the blessings of this holy month and be grateful."
  33. "Welcome the month of Ramadan with your heart filled with peace, harmony, and joy."
  34. "May the divine Allah bless you with peaceful and prosperous life throughout the year."
  35. "It’s the month when the devils are chained, the gates of hell are closed, and those of paradise are opened. It’s the month the holy prophet used to pray to witness."
  36. "Ramadan is the season where the fiery horns of the devils freeze. Let us take this opportunity to spread love and eradicate hatred."
  37. "Have a peaceful and happy Ramadan! May Allah show you the right path and answer your prayers."
  38. "This holy month of Ramadan, may you be blessed with good health, wealth, and prosperity."
  39. "May this Ramadan bring endless moments of joy and happiness in your life."
  40. "Ramadan is the best chance to ask Allah for forgiveness. Thank him for his blessings and for keeping you alive till this moment."
  41. "Let this Ramadan be the time you become stronger in terms of your faith. I wish you a blessed and peaceful Ramadan!"
  42. "May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear ones lives."
  43. "Ramadan is a month of Allah, whose beginning is mercy, whose middle is forgiveness, whose end is freedom from fire."
  44. "May the Ramadan bring you peace and prosperity, good health and wealth, and brighten your life forever."
  45. "With the beginning of Ramadan, may your home be filled with the atmosphere of love and mirth."
  46. "May this blessed month in the Islamic calendar bring you peace, happiness, and prosperity."
  47. "Let’s remember the teachings of the Quran on this celebration, clear our ways and ask for forgiveness. Be a blessing to each and everyone."
  48. "Ramadan is the month to fast, pray, read Quran and do charity and in return receive rich rewards from Allah."
  49. "May you find answers to your prayers. Happy Ramadan!"
  50. "This Ramadan, I pray for your wellness and sending loads of prayers your way. Happy Ramadan.

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Kontributor: Mar'atus Sholikhah
Penulis: Mar'atus Sholikhah
Editor: Fitra Firdaus