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Contoh Soal TOEFL Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 dan Jawaban

Contoh soal tes Rekrutmen BUMN tahap 2 untuk bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal TOEFL Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 dan Jawaban
Rekrutment Bersama BUMN. instagram/ erickthohir - Tes tahap 2 Rekrutmen BUMN tahun 2023 adalah tes TOEFL Bahasa Inggris. Pelajari contoh soal Bahasa Inggris untuk mengikuti tes TOEFL berikut ini.

Tes tahap 2 Bahasa Inggris akan digelar mulai 20 Juli 2023. Salah satu sesi dalam ujian TOEFL Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 adalah Structure and Written Expression. Jumlah soal ini, ada 40 soal. Waktu pengerjaannya 25 menit.

Tes ini terbagi menjadi 2 bagian yaitu soal dengan jawaban pilihan ganda dan soal untuk memilih jawaban yang salah

Structureand Written Expression bertujuan untuk mengukur kecakapan seseorang dalam mengenal aturan-aturan grammar dan struktur yang sesuai dengan standar penulisan bahasa Inggris.

Passing grade atau nilai minimal pada tes Bahasa Inggris dalam Rekrutmen BUMN tahun 2023, peserta harus mendapatkan nilai minimal 450 (TOEFL).

Contoh Soal Structure and Written Expression TOEFLRekrutmen BUMN 2023

1. ______ the inventor of light bulb, was one of the first. investorsto apply the principles.

A. Itis Thomas AlvaEdison

B. Thomas Alva Edison

C. Thomas Alva Edison is

D. Thomas Alva Edison is famous

2. Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice and Elinor Dashwood inSense andSensibility,______ of Jane Austen's famous characters.

A. they are two

B. two of them are

C. two of them

D. are two

3. Barack Obama has not one_____ two children.

A. and also

B. but

C. and there are

D. but there are

4. During the Indonesian Independence, the Indonesiansociety was happy dan the new government___

A. was formed

B. was to from

C. is forming

D. forming

5. World War II is generally considered to have happened and 1945, although some conflicts in Asia that are commonly viewed as becoming part of the world war had begun earlier than 1939.

A. the 1939

B. between 1939

C. in between 1939

D. in the between 1939

6. Conditions required to be accepted in reputable international universities include good mastery of the field of study, goodmastery of English, and_______

A. the confidence must be high.

B. having high confidence.

C. high confidence.

D. highly confident.

7. When the earth, sun and moon are lined up in a row_____

A. spring tides areformed.

B. forming spring tides.

C. the forming of spring tides.

D. to form spring tides.

8. Some people ____of money.

A. have a limited number

B. have a limited amount

C. having a limited number

D. having a limited amount

9. In the presidential election in Indonesia, the government invites the society to determine who _____ by voting.

A. should the president be

B. the president being

C. the presidentshould be should be the president

10. Electricity can be produced by _____or combs.

A. rulers are rubbed

B. rubbing rulers

C. to rub rulers

D. rulers rubbing

11. Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright, _____of the world’sfirst successful airplane, were both born in Dayton.

A. they were inventing.

B. were inventors

C. invented

D. the inventors

12. The particles in an atom ______a neutral charge arecalled neutrons.

A. having

B. is having

C. it is having

D. Which having

13. Glaciers are made up of ______that, over many years,compresses into large, thickened ice masses.

A. the snow is falling

B. snow is falling

C. fallen snow

D. snow fallen

14. Not only _____provide energy that maintains many thingson earth, but it also provides sunlight which is important for vitamin Dproduction.

A. The sun

B. It is the sun that

C. does the sun

D. is the sun

15. J.K. Rowling wrote many amazing novels _____famous worldwide.

A. that are became

B. that became

C. what became

D. what had became


16. Thunder happen because of the vibration resulting from lightning when it strikes.

A. happen

B. because

C. vibration

D. from

17. A atom consists of a dense central nucleussurrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.

A. A

B. dense

C. charged

D. electrons

18. Most heart attacks involves discomfortin the center or left side of the chest.

A. most

B. involves

C. discomfort

D. left side

19. When the general price level rises, each unit of currencybuys fewer goods as well services.

A. rises

B. currency

C. buys

D. as well

20. The cerebral hemispheres, the cerebrum, form the largest part of the human brain and are situated above other brain structure.

A. the cerebrum

B. from

C. are

D. structure

21. Borobudur is the world’s largest Buddhist temple,as well as one of the great Buddhist monuments in theworld.

A. world’s

B. as well as

C. the great

D. monuments

22. Although George Washington lost many ofhis battles, he never surrendered his army during the war, and he continued tofighting the British relentlessly until the war ended.

A. Although

B. lost

C. to fighting

D. relentlessly

23. Uluru is notable for appear to change colorat different times of the day and year, most notably glowing red at dawnand sunset.

A. appear

B. to change color

C. times

D. sunset

24. The giant panda is easily recognized by thelarge, distinctive black patches around it eyes, over the ears,and across its round body.

A. recognized

B. patches

C. it

D. round body

25. The outer space has effectively no friction, allowingstars, planets and moons to move free along their ideal orbits.

A. effectively

B. effectively

C. free

D. orbits

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Editor: Dipna Videlia Putsanra