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40 Contoh Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal PPPK guru Bahasa Inggris dan jawabannya dapat dijadikan referensi sebagai bahan belajar bagi peserta yang mengikuti tes.

40 Contoh Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya
Pelaksanaan seleksi kompetensi CAT-UNBK PPPK Guru dari pelamar umum di SMPN 2 Kuta Utara Dalung, Badung. (ANTARA/HO-Pemkab Badung.) - Soal tes kompetensi PPPK untuk formasi guru dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan belajar bagi peserta yang akan mengikuti seleksi Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) Guru 2023.

Materi dalam soal PPPK Guru meliputi materi kompetensi teknis, materi kompetensi manajerial, materi kompetensi sosial kultural, dan materi wawancara.

Oleh karena itu, para peserta seleksi PPPK Guru dapat mempersiapkan diri terlebih dahulu sebelum mengikuti tes kompetensi yang akan dilakukan salah satunya dengan cara mempelajari dan mengerjakan berbagai contoh soal tes kompetensi PPPK Guru, termasuk soal P3K bahasa Inggris untuk guru.

Contoh Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Jawaban

Berikut ini disajikan beberapa contoh soal PPPK guru Bahasa Inggris yang juga dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya sebagai bahan latihan.

1. As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following EXCEPT ….

A. idioms

B. routines

C. turn-taking

D. collocations

E. lexical frames

Jawaban: C

2. Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our students‟ motivation to continue participation in EFL classes is determining short-term goals which include the following EXCEPT ….

A. the successful writing of an essay

B. the ability to partake in a discussion

C. the possibility of a better job in the future

D. the learning of a small amount of new language

E. the passing of the progress test at the end of the week

Jawaban: C

3. Applying the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage supportive atmosphere in the classroom by means of the following acts EXCEPT ….

A. listening to the students

B. encouraging them to share their feelings

C. accepting their comments without judgement

D. fixing the aims for the course or for one lesson

E. obliging students to do what they plan to do that day

Jawaban: E

4. When putting syllabuses together, an EFL curriculum designer has to consider each item for inclusion in the syllabuses on the basis of the following criteria EXCEPT….

A. Learnability

B. Usefulness

C. Frequency

D. Coverage

E. Grading

Jawaban: E

5. When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan, remember that students need to be able to perform their skills on their own. So, keep the following things in mind EXCEPT ….

A. make a clear connection between the lesson and the homework

B. make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson

C. clearly explain the assignment to be given to the learners

D. ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates

E. make sure to check for students understating before sending them off

Jawaban: D

6. A well-developed lesson plan should be completed with assignments to guide the instructor‟s choice of assessment measures by providing information about student and class comprehension of the material. The following are among the questions to consider EXCEPT ….

A. What level of learning do the students need to attain?

B. How does the lesson plan fit particular instructional principles?

C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use?

D. How does the assignment fit with the rest of the lesson plan?

E. What is the purpose of the assignment?

Jawaban: B

7. The closure step of a lesson plan is a chance to determine whether the students need additional practice or to go over the lesson again. The following are examples of closure in an effective lesson plan EXCEPT ….

A. summarizing the characteristics of the lesson

B. discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson

C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class

D. asking what information from the lesson the students will find important

E. asking the students to summarize the lesson for students missing the class.

Jawaban: C

8. Rina is solitary type of a student. The most suitable learning source for the teacher to facilitate Rina in reading comprehension would be….

A. pictured workbooks

B. E-learning modules

C. reading passages

D. audio recordings

E. worksheet

Jawaban: B

9. A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only spoken but also pictographic images which enable them to have face-to face idea exchanges can most appropriately utilize….

A. skype

B. short message services

C. multimedia language laboratory

D. teleconference

E. Google messenger

Jawaban: D

10. Mrs. Nastiti is about to activate students‟ formal schemata of lexical items used in a report text. For the purpose, she can involve her students…

A. to identify words in jumbled letters

B. to label pictures with appropriate words

C. to guess word meanings from the context

D. to find the meaning of words in dictionary

E. to find the synonym or the antonym of words

Jawaban: A

11. To cater for the learning style of his students who are field independent, when teaching reading, Mr. Hanafi will require his students to ……

A. follow in depth ideas in each paragraph

B. identify the main points of passages

C. imply the meaning in passages

D. retell details of all paragraphs

E. seek for specific information

Jawaban: B

12. Learning a new topic can be challenging for students. To motivate them to learn with enthusiasm, a teacher may use empathetic communication strategy by….

A. telling the class that all beginning is difficult

B. informing the class to always be motivated

C. reminding the importance of learning English

D. explaining the disadvantage of not learning the topic

E. stating that the topic is interesting and they will like it

Jawaban: E

13. A student was texting Ms. Cruella as follows: “Excuse me, Mam. When can you meet me to discuss my report? I have a question to ask. Thank you”

How should Ms. Cruella have responded to her student by texting back not to make her embarrassed?

A. “What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should you see me?”

B. “Who do you think you are? I am your teacher. You must see me.”

C. “Is your language polite enough, Sandra? Check your English.”

D. “Sandra, be polite please, can‟t you? Should I meet you?”

E. “You are really not polite, Sandra. Keep your manner.”

Jawaban: A

14. Based on the indicator that follows: ―Given three brief paragraphs of different themes on which every second half of every 2nd word is mutilated, students fill in the blank spaces in the mutilated words of the paragraphs correctly, the most appropriate scoring scheme relevant to the assessment procedure is….

A. scoring with a penalty

B. dichotomous scoring

C. primary-trait scoring

D. polytomous scoring

E. weighted scoring

Jawaban: B

15. The problem in Mr. Andi‟s class is the students tend to compete excessively in reading class. They don‟t have much experience in working together in task groups. She believes that they need to have more opportunities to work together to change as their attitudes in competing leads to an unhealthy class atmosphere. To solve the problem, she designs an innovative instructional strategy through classroom action research. The steps of which will need to have the elements of…



C. jigsaw

D. mind and mapping

E. click and clunk

Jawaban: C

16. Read the passage below.

Power distance defines how social inequality is perceived and accepted in different cultures. Hofstede (1997) explains how in high power distance cultures children are raised with a great emphasis on respecting elders, which is carried through to adulthood. Therefore organizations are more centralized, employees prefer a more autocratic leadership style where subordinates are expected to be told what to do and there are wide wage gaps in the hierarchical structure. On the other hand, in low power distance cultures inequality is not desired, _____ with regards to decision making and thus prefer a more resourceful and democratic leader.

The blank space in the passage can be best filled with the clause....

A. employees need to selected

B. employees prefer to be consulted

C. employers are given authority

D. employers distribute power

E. leaders prefer to be respected

Jawaban: B

17. Read the text.

It was _____ in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o'clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to have closed uponthe hills, cloaking them in mist. It would be dark by four. The air was clammy cold, and for all the tightly closed windows it penetrated the interior of the coach.

Which option best completes the blank space in the passage?

A. a cold grey day

B. a small parade day

C. one warmer night

D. a snowy night

E. an interesting one

Jawaban: A

18. Read the passage.

Two 12-year-old girls are standing outside a mini-mart. They are wearing matching tube tops and short skirts like Britney Spears clones. One holds a cigarette, like an adult, where everyone can see her. She looks around to make sure other girls are noticing her. When asked why she dresses the way she does, she says that she likes it. _____ it seems that the reason for her behavior is more complex. More specifically, it has more to do with her ambiguous role as a pre-teen in society. A young girl's wanna-be look is caused by personal insecurity and peer pressure.

The connector that best completes the blank space in the passage above is....

A. Therefore,

B. However,

C. Because

D. Meanwhile,

E. For example,

Jawaban: B

19. Read the passage below.

When we were children, Hassan and I used to climb the poplar trees in the driveway of the father‟s house and annoy the neighbors by reflecting sunlight into their homes with a shard of mirror. We would sit across from each other _____, our naked feet dangling, our trouser pockets filled with dried mulberries and walnuts. We took turns with the mirror as we ate mulberries, pelted each other with them, giggling, laughing. I can still see Hassan up on that tree, sunlight flickering through the leaves on his almost perfectly round face, a face like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood: his flat, broad nose and slanting, narrow eyes like bamboo leaves, eyes that looked, depending on the light, gold, green, even sapphire. I can still see his tiny low-set ears and that pointed stub of a chin, a meaty appendage that looked like it was added as a mere afterthought. And the cleft lip, just off mid-line, where the Chinese doll maker‟s instrument may have slipped, or _____ .

Which option best completes the second blank space in the passage?

A. perhaps he had simply grown tired and carelessly

B. perhaps he had simply gone tired and become careless

C. perhaps he had simply grown tiredly and carelessly

D. perhaps he had simply become tiring and careless

E. perhaps he had simply grown tired and careless

Jawaban: B

20. The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph is...

1. Other small training institutes also provide education to enhance the skill level in particular fields.

2. Education plays a paramount role in the modern technological world.

3. Education is not so costly anymore; anyone one with less money may study continuously.

4. Furthermore, the whole criteria of education have been changed now.

5. We can get admission in the big and popular universities with fewer fees through the distance learning.

6. We can study through the distance learning programmes after the 12th standard together with the job.

7. Now-a-days, there are many ways to enhance the education level.

A. 6 – 7 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2

B. 2 – 6 – 7 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1

C. 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 1

D. 1 – 6 – 4 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 5

E. 3 – 5 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 1

Jawaban: C

21. The best arrangement of the following jumbled sentences to make up a logical paragraph is....

  1. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, and it still takes light more than four years to travel from Proxima Centauri to the Earth.
  2. A person traveling in a modern spacecraft would not arrive at Proxima Centauri within this lifetime or the next, or even ten lifetimes because the distance is so great.
  3. Interstellar distances are so large that they are almost impossible to imagine.
  4. Even though Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the Earth outside of our solar system, it is not really close.
A. (2) - (4) - (1) - (3)

B. (3) - (4) - (1) - (2)

C. (1) - (2) - (3) - (4)

D. (2) - (3) - (4) - (1)

E. (4) - (3) - (2) - (1)

Jawaban: B

22. Read the text.

Red, White, and Green Grilled Cheese What you need:

1 tsp garlic, minced (about 1⁄2 clove) 1 small onion, minced (about 1⁄2cup), 2 C frozen cut spinach, thawed and drained (or substitute 2 bags (10 oz each) fresh leaf spinach, rinsed), 1⁄4 tsp ground black pepper, 8 slices whole-wheat bread, 1 medium tomato, rinsed, cut into 4 slices, 1 C shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese, and Nonstick cooking spray.

How to do:

  1. Preheat oven to 400 oF. Place a large baking sheet in the oven to preheat for about 10 minutes.
  2. Heat garlic with cooking spray in a medium sauté pan over medium heat. Cook until soft, but not browned. Add onions, and continue to cook until the onions are soft, but not browned.
  3. Add spinach, and toss gently. Cook until the spinach is heated throughout. Season with pepper, and set aside to cool.
  4. When the spinach and onions are cool, assemble each sandwich with one slice of bread on the bottom, one tomato slice, 1⁄2 cup of spinach mixture, 1⁄4 cup of cheese, and a second slice of bread on the top.
  5. Spray the preheated nonstick baking sheet with cooking spray. Place the sandwiches on the baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the bottom of each sandwich is browned.
  6. Carefully flip sandwiches, and bake for an additional 5 minutes, or until both sides are browned. Serve immediately.
The word “browned” mentioned in the passage refers to the following cooking verb....

A. (pre) heat, cook, and bake

B. assemble, heat, and mix

C. bake, flip, and slice

D. cook, bake and spray

E. (pre) heat, add, and place

Jawaban: B

23. The followings are what a teacher should do when one of his students does not understand the question EXCEPT....

A. ask another student to help him/her find the answer

B. simplify the word and structure of the question

C. write the question on the black/whiteboard

D. repeat the question to help him understand it

E .explain the topic again and again

Jawaban: A

24. To design a good lesson plan, a teacher should develop among other things these elements EXCEPT....

A. indicators of competence achievement, materials, and media

B. instructional materials, teaching steps, and test item indicators

C. basic competences, learning objectives, and learning methods

D. assessment procedures, learning resources, and media

E. grading the materials, learning strategies, and scoring

Jawaban: A

25. What follows are important for teachers to consider in making students learn English effectively EXCEPT...

A. the rich sources for their learning and acquiring English

B. their affective states during learning processes

C. their use of knowledge of their mother tongue

D. their existing language input

E. their level of curiosity in learning English

Jawaban: C

26. A teacher should know how extrovert students learn in the classroom. The following activities can make them more comfortable in learning EXCEPT....

A. working on worksheet independently

B. presenting materials in front of the class

C. answering questions verbally

D. solving problems with others

E. discussing a topic in groups

Jawaban: A

27. Which of the following is NOT true about the principles of the Direct Method?

A. Everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught.

B. Grammar is carefully taught deductively.

C. Speaking and listening are taught.

D. New teaching points are introduced orally.

E. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.

Jawaban: B

28. Read the passage below.

The first colonists did not, as many people imagine, find an entire continent covered by a climax forest. Even along the Atlantic seaboard, the forest was broken at many points. Nevertheless, all sorts of fine trees abounded, and through the early colonial period, those who pushed westward encountered new forests. By the end of the colonial era, the price of wood had risen slightly in eastern cities, but wood was still extremely abundant. The availability of wood brought advantages that have seldom been appreciated. Wood was a foundation of the economy. Houses and all manner of buildings were made of wood to a degree unknown in Britain. Secondly, wood was used as fuel for heating and cooking. Thirdly, it was used as the source of important industrial compounds, such as potash, an industrial alkali; charcoal, a component of gunpowder; and tannic acid, used for tanning leather.

What can be said about the use of wood for the colonies?

A. The colonies used wood for important industrial components.

B. The colonies used wood for cooking and heating.

C. The colonies sold wood for source of income.

D. The colonies used wood for creating gun powder.

E. The colonies used wood for the foundation of economy.

Jawaban: B

29. Read the passage below.

For centuries, people have searched for a way to replace dead and decaying teeth with comfortable false teeth. Many materials have been used to make a set of false teeth. The teeth themselves should be made from a hard and durable material. They should be secured to a soft material, making them easy to wear. In the last two decades, dentists succeeded in making durable false teeth that are comfortable, too.

Around 1844, an American dentist named Horace Wells used laughing gas to put people to sleep before working on their teeth. This innovation made dental work a lot less painful. Soon after, an inventor created the first form of rubber. This was important to dentistry because teeth could be attached to the rubber, and the rubber could be to fit the shape of the mouth. With these two developments, dentist could work without causing pain and could fit teeth more carefully. False teeth have become more available and comfortable since then, and dentists have continued to improve the making and use of false teeth.

What is the main idea of the passage above?

A. Horace Wells was known as the inventor of false teeth.

B. Important dentistry become supported with the false teeth technology.

C. Successful dentists were pioneering in the making of false teeth.

D. False teeth were successfully innovated by dentists.

E. Gold and bones were materials used in false teeth in the old time.

Jawaban: D

30. Read the text.

Erosion of America's farmland by wind and water has been a problem since settlers first put the prairies and grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century. By the 1930s, more than 282 million acres of farmland were damaged by erosion. After 40 years of conservation efforts, soil erosion has accelerated due to new demands placed on the land by heavy crop production. In the years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it causes are likely to replace petroleum scarcity as the nation's most critical natural resource problem.

From the passage we understand that soil erosion in America....

A. is worse in areas which have a lot of petroleum production

B. happens so slowly that it is hardly noticed

C. is worse than it was in the nineteenth century

D. causes humans to place new demands on the land

E. is the most critical problem that the nation faces

Jawaban: D

31. The best option that best completes the dialog below is....

Person 1: Would you have time to listen to my story?

Person 2: ....

A. Your story is very interesting to listen to

B. I‟d like to have your story, my friend

C. Sure, but please don‟t beat about the bush

D. I don‟t know how you have your story

E. Sure, but please have time to tell your story

Jawaban: C

32. Which of the following statements is true about classroom action research?

A. Classroom action research can be undertaken collaboratively.

B. The cycle must be done more than one to assure the comprehensiveness of findings.

C. The criteria of success can be set up when analyzing the data.

D. Classroom action research aims at exploring the effectiveness of a strategy in teaching.

E. The teacher does not need to follow all stages in classroom action research.

Jawaban: B

33. Which of the following sentences contain the correct use of a relative pronoun?

A. The car whose I was driving needs wheel alignment

B. Jack, that is my friend, is a good boy.

C. He lent me a mattress on that I slept soundly

D. The house whom I purchased from was haunted.

E. Spaghetti, which many of us enjoy, can be messy

Jawaban: E

34. Which of the following is the most appropriate sentence containing a passive construction?

A. Mistakes were made said by most politicians.

B. The rat was supposed to be placed into a T-shaped maze.

C. I have a feeling that a secret may be it is kept.

D. The president was to be sworn in on a cold January morning.

E. Your bicycle would have kept here if you had left it with me.

Jawaban: B

35. In doing action research, the researcher should understand the stages as suggested in which of the following?

A. Preliminary study, planning, acting, implementing, observing, and reflecting.

B. Preliminary study, planning, doing, acting, observing, and reflecting.

C. Preliminary study, planning, acting and implementing, seeing, and reflecting.

D. Preliminary study, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting.

E. Preliminary study, planning, doing, observing, seeing, and reflecting.

Jawaban: D

36. Elements of competences in English speaking include....

A. Dramatizing an event, performing transactional monologs, and describing a situations

B. Narrating past events, describing things, and responding to implied meanings

C. Performing interpersonal and transactional dialogs and transactional monologs

D. Reporting events, describing places, and performing various interpersonal dialogs

E. Simulating transactional and interpersonal dialogs and describing objects

Jawaban: C

37. Utilizing strategies to motivate students' learning is among key factors in making students successful in learning English because it may....

A. help students set their own achievable learning objectives

B. make the students enthusiastic about the teacher in learning

C. create a pleasant, relaxed and enjoyable learning environment

D. make students active participants in completing language tasks

E. use achievable and relevant learning materials helpful for students

Jawaban: C

38. What is the teacher‟s empathetic communication strategy when he/she knows that his/her student answers the question wrongly?

A. Tell him/her to pay attention to the material more seriously.

B. Ask her classmate to help him/her respond to the question.

C. Instruct him/her to read the learning material for the second time.

D. Ask him/her to do it at home as homework.

E. Repeat the question to help him/her answer the question correctly.

Jawaban: E

39. To develop a multiple choice test for grammar, as a teacher you have to....

A. conduct the tryout

B. make a blueprint

C. validate the test items

D. do a preliminary observation

E. construct the items

Jawaban: B

40. Which of the following is the most appropriate sentence containing a noun phrase construction?

A. Some people continue to work after retirement so the retiring number is increasing.

B. Lots of rubbish lies on the riverbed it is dangerous to wildlife.

C. These highly educated and well qualified young people cannot find well-paid work offering medical insurance and other basic benefits.

D. An article is going to be published tomorrow where the article reveals a political scandal.

E. Ships transport goods around the world and these ships are responsible for a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.

Jawaban: A

Link Unduh Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris

Untuk contoh soal PPPK guru Bahasa Inggris lainnya, Anda juga bisa mengunduh linknya melalui tautan di bawah ini:

Link Download Soal P3K Guru Bahasa Inggris Pdf

Tips Mengerjakan Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris

Ada beberapa tips yang bisa diterapkan saat mengerjakan soal tes guru bahasa Inggris SD, SMP, hingga SMA, di antaranya:

1. Perbanyak latihan soal Bahasa Inggris berbasis konteks

Umumnya tes Bahasa Inggris yang disajikan kebanyakan reading. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memahami soal, tips mengerjakan soal PPPK bahasa Inggris yang pertama adalah melakukan latihan dengan soal-soal yang beragam, terutama tema terkait paragraf atau teks bacaan.

Ini akan membantu Anda memahami makna keseluruhan daripada hanya menghafal kosa kata. Fokuslah pada kemampuan membaca, pahami maksud kalimat, dan cari makna tersirat dari bacaannya.

2. Kuasai tata bahasa dasar dan strategi menjawab soal grammar

Grammar atau tata bahasa merupakan bagian penting dalam soal Bahasa Inggris. Pastikan agar memahami aturan dasar grammar seperti tenses, penggunaan kata hubung(conjunctions), dan preposisi.

Ketika menghadapi soal grammar, gunakan strategi eliminasi untuk menyingkirkan pilihan jawaban yang jelas salah sehingga Anda bisa lebih fokus pada opsi yang tersisa.

3. Manfaatkan waktu yang baik saat mengerjakan soal

Dalam tes PPPK, disiplin waktu sangat penting. Jika merasa kesulitan di salah satu soal, jangan terlalu lama berdiam di situ. Tandai soal tersebut dan lanjutkan ke soal lain yang lebih mudah.

Setelah itu, Anda bisa kembali ke soal yang ditandai di akhir waktu. Ini akan memastikan Anda bisa menjawab lebih banyak soal dengan efektif tanpa kehabisan waktu.

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Kontributor: Ririn Margiyanti
Penulis: Ririn Margiyanti
Editor: Dhita Koesno
Penyelaras: Dhita Koesno