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Putri Chris Cornell Luncurkan Podcast Kesehatan Mental

Putri Chris Cornell rilis podcast tentang kesehatan mental untuk mengenang kematian sang ayah. 

Putri Chris Cornell Luncurkan Podcast Kesehatan Mental
Chris Cornell tampil bersama Soundgarden, circa 1992. Paul Bergen/Redferns - Putri Chris Cornell, Lily Cornell Silver meluncurkan podcast kesehatan mental untuk mengenang tiga tahun kematian ayahnya yang jatuh pada 18 Mei lalu.

Di akun Instagramnya, ia membagikan beberapa foto bersama ayahnya dan memberikan sedikit informasi tentang podcast kesehatan mental bertajuk Mind Wide Open. Putri dari vokalis Soundgarden itu mengungkapkan dia akan mengasah topik-topik utama kesehatan mental.

Silver mengatakan podcast akan menampilkan sejumlah tamu dari "profesional kesehatan mental, tokoh masyarakat, teman sebaya, dan lainnya yang akan berbagi kisah tentang perjuangan mereka, serta memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan," demikian seperti dilansir dari NME.

"Tujuan saya untuk proyek ini sederhana: untuk membantu menormalkan diskusi terbuka tentang kesehatan mental," tulis Silver. “Sekarang, lebih dari sebelumnya, orang-orang berjuang dengan kesehatan mental dari trauma kolektif, stres, kehilangan, dan kesedihan yang dipicu oleh pandemi COVID-19."

“Pandemi ini menyoroti betapa sedikitnya sumber daya yang tersedia secara luas. Saya ingin menciptakan ruang khusus yang mengutamakan keseimbangan mental dan emosional dan memungkinkan diskusi yang jujur ​​dan tidak menyesal."

Tamu pertama Mind Wide Open adalah Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, pendiri dan direktur The Trauma Stewardship Institute.

Adik Silver, Toni Cornell juga memberikan penghormatan kepada almarhum ayah mereka melalui beberapa musik. Adik Silver yang lebih muda menyumbangkan USD 20.000 dari hasil cover lagu Sinead O'Connor's 'Nothing Compares 2 U', duet kolaboratif dengan almarhum ayahnya, ke sebuah organisasi bantuan kemanusiaan.

Baru-baru ini, Toni membawakan lagu akustik berjudul 'Hunger Strike' dari Temple Of The Dog - sebuah kelompok super yang dipimpin oleh Cornell dan anggota Pearl Jam - di sebuah konser amal virus corona.

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I want to take the opportunity today to announce that I am launching a mental health focused interview series on Instagram: Mind Wide Open. Guests will include mental health professionals, public figures, peers, and others who will share their stories and struggles, as well as provide knowledge and insight. My goal for this project is simple: to help normalize the open discussion of mental health. Now more than ever, people are struggling with mental wellness as well as the collective trauma, stress, loss, and grief triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. As with all societal issues, this is an intersectional one. Marginalized groups so often disproportionately struggle with mental health and are denied resources. I have been privileged to receive the care that I need, but this is an uncommon experience. This pandemic highlights how few resources are widely available. I want to create a dedicated space that prioritizes mental and emotional balance and allows for candid, unapologetic discussions. I am launching today in honor of my dad, who passed away three years ago on this date. We often talked about our experiences with anxiety and depression, and mental health was something that he struggled with throughout his life. Through him, I learned how important it is to have someone who understands your darkness, validates your experiences, and gives you comfort. Losing my dad ripped a hole in my heart, and the grief and trauma that has followed comes with its own set of struggles. Through my experiences, I have become more aware of the stigma that surrounds discussing mental health and grief related issues. I want to use my platform to do what I can to create change around this stigma. I want all of us to have a safe place to open our minds and wear our hearts on our sleeves. Thank you for all of your love and support, today and every day. My first guest is author and trauma expert, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, founder and director of the Trauma Stewardship Institute. Please stay tuned for more information regarding date/time, how to access the interview, and future guests! Graphic by @raeraeyay, I love you

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