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Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense, Esai, Pilihan Ganda, & Jawabannya

Contoh soal Simple Past Tense dan jawabannya dapat membantu pemahaman Anda tentang penggunaan struktur tersebut dalam kalimat. Berikut selengkapnya.

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense, Esai, Pilihan Ganda, & Jawabannya
Ilustrasi Bahasa Inggris. foto/IStockphoto - Contoh soal Simple Past Tense dapat membantu pemahaman Anda tentang penggunaan struktur tersebut dalam kalimat.

Simple Past Tense merupakan salah satu jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Kalimat simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang telah terjadi serta berakhir di masa lampau.

Dalam kalimat simple past tense disebutkan secara spesifik waktu terjadinya seperti yesterday, last night/week/month, year, this morning, two days ago, two months ago, two years ago, a month ago, a few minutes, hingga ini 2020.

Simple past tense dibagi menjadi tiga berdasarkan isi kalimatnya. Pertama, bentuk kalimat positive (+) dengan rumus sebagai berikut:

Subjek + Kata Kerja Bentuk Kedua (V2)

Contoh kalimat:

  • I worked yesterday
  • Your learned English since last night
  • We saw a horror movie two days ago
Kedua, simple past tense bentuk kalimat negative (-) dengan rumus sebagai berikut:

S + did not + Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (V1)

Contoh kalimat:

  • I did not worked yesterday
  • You did not learned English since last night
  • We did not saw a horror movie two days ago
Ketiga, simple past tense bentuk kalimat introgrative (?) dengan rumus sebagai berikut:

Did + S + V1

Contoh kalimat:

  • Did all the students do the assignment yesterday?
  • Did you go to Jakarta yesterday?

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense

Untuk lebih memahami materi simple past tense, salah satu yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengerjakan soal-soal terkait.

Soal akan membantu Anda mengetahui seberapa jauh pemahaman tentang materi simple past tense. Berikut ini contoh soal simple past tense lengkap dengan jawabannya:

Tuliskan kembali kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan menggunakan Simple Past Tense.

1. My Mom (write) a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

Jawaban: My Mom wrote a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

2. Halimah (give) me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

Jawaban: Halimah gave me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

3. The children (sing) together in the choir competition last Sunday.

Jawaban: The children sang together in the choir competition last Sunday.

4. My dad and I (climb) Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

Jawaban: My dad and I climbed Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

5. Niken (fall) from her bike yesterday evening.

Jawaban: Niken fell from her bike yesterday evening.

6. Riana (not receive) the announcement last week.

Jawaban: Riana did not receive the announcement last week.

7. The students (not read) the text to discuss yesterday morning.

Jawaban: The students did not read the text to discuss yesterday morning.

8. Mr Joni (not teach) Math here last year.

Jawaban: Mr Joni did not teach Math here last year.

9. (he speak) politely to his elder brother just now?

Jawaban: Did he speak politely to his elder brother just now?

10. (the girls dance) beautifully on the main stage last night?

Jawaban: Did the girls dance beautifully on the main stage last night?

Pilihan Ganda

11. She … her dog everyday

A. To feed

B. Feed

C. Feeds

D. Feeding

Jawaban: Feeds

12. I … always … to the dentist

A. Do not, go

B. Does not, go

C. Do not, went

D. Does not, went

Jawaban: A. Do not, go

13. Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.

A. Writes

B. Wrote

C. Writed

D. Was wrote

Jawaban: B. Wrote

14. We _______ David in town a few days ago.

A. did see

B. Was saw

C. Did saw

D. Saw

Jawaban: A. Did see

15. It was cold, so I _____________ the window.

A. Shut

B. Was shut

C. Am shut

D. Shutted

Jawaban: A. Shut

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Kontributor: Syamsul Dwi Maarif
Penulis: Syamsul Dwi Maarif
Editor: Yulaika Ramadhani