tirto.id - Happy Scout Day adalah ucapan "Selamat Hari Pramuka" dalam Bahasa Inggris. Sejumlah ucapan tentang peringatan ini dapat Anda bagikan di sosial media, termasuk beberapa quotes terkait Hari Pramuka.
Peringatan Hari Pramuka tahun ini jatuh tepat pada Senin, 14 Agustus 2023. Dalam rangka perayaan yang ke-62, tema yang diusung sebagai acuan utama peringatan sekarang adalah “Sumber Daya Manusia yang Profesional dan Proporsional”.
Latar belakang peringatan ini bermula sejak zaman pendudukan Belanda, yakni tahun 1916 silam. Dunia kepramukaan Indonesia pun mendapatkan titik baru di pasca proklamasi kemerdekaan, ditandai dengan pendirian Pandu Rakyat Indonesia pada 28 Desember 1945.
Berlanjut setelah itu, pada 9 Maret 1961, presiden RI mengumpulkan sejumlah tokoh-tokoh pramuka Indonesia. Kemudian, organisasi kepanduan berubah nama menjadi Pramuka pada 14 Agustus 1961.
Kala itu, Sukarno selaku Presiden RI pertama menyerahkan panji-panji kepramukaan kepada para tokoh. Sejarah ini yang akhirnya dijadikan sebagai patokan utama Hari Pramuka atau Scout Day.
Setiap tahun, masyarakat Indonesia mengadakan kegiatan untuk memperingatinya. Salah satu aktivitas yang digelar yakni menjalankan upacara Hari Pramuka.
Selain itu, Anda juga bisa memeriahkan acara menggunakan sejumlah ucapan-ucapan Happy Scout Day. Kemudian, sejumlah masyarakat dapat juga membagikan beberapa quotes Hari Pramuka lewat media sosialnya.
20 Ucapan Happy Scout Day dan Quotes Hari Pramuka 2023 Bahasa Inggris
Berikut ini ucapan Happy Scout Day atau ucapan Hari Pramuka untuk tahun 2023.
- ”Happy Scout Day 2023, let's develop ourselves to be professional, have synergy, and be passionate about expression. ”
- ”Happy Scout Day, keep exploring, providing inspiration, and achieve a bright future. ”
- ”Shine this day with the soul of scouting. Hopefully goodness will come to Indonesian scouts. Happy Scout Day 2023. ”
- ”There is a young soul in Indonesian scouting. Happy 62nd Scout’s Day. ”
- ”Happy day for Indonesian scouting. Remain committed to being professional and proportionate. Happy Scout Day 2023. ”
- ”Be confident with scouts. know yourself, your environment, and don't forget to contribute. Happy Scout Day 2023. ”
- ”Indonesian scout birthday takes place today. Grab your future as a professional. Happy Scouts Day 2023.”
- ”Scouts have been around for a long time. Now, our generation holds the spirit. Let's make this Scout Day a marker of your scouting history. ”
- ”Let's celebrate this Boy Scouts Day with enthusiasm. Happy Scout Day 2023. ”
- “Scouting is synonymous with courage, cooperation, and joy. Apply it all on this happy day.”
- “What Scouting says to people is: Every child has a right to have an adventure. Life is about grabbing opportunities” - Bear Grylls
- “Be Prepared… the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.” - Robert Baden Powell
- “Scouting teaches a boy to take care of himself and stand on his own two feet.” - Ezra Taft Benson
- “In Scouting you are combating the brooding of selfishness.”
- “The object of the patrol method is not so much saving the Scoutmaster trouble as to give responsibility to the boy.” - Baden Powell de Aquino
- “Scouting rises within you and inspires you to put forth your best.” - Juliette Gordon Low
- “Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I’ll show you a poorly uniformed leader.” - Robert Baden Powell
- “External scouting is of limited value if it’s not teamed with rigorous self- examination. Successful coaches or managers have learned the value of utilizing an outside opinion to give them a fresh look at their personnel. This unbiased view provides an even greater insight, which in turn helps the coach develop flexibility within the team.” - Don Yaeger
- “As a young boy, scouting gave me a confidence and camaraderie that is hard to find in modern life.” - Bear Grylls
- “Scoutmasters need to enter into boys’ ambitions.” - Baden Powell de Aquino
Penulis: Yuda Prinada
Editor: Yulaika Ramadhani