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20 Contoh Soal Pretest Bahasa Inggris PPG Kemenag 2024 & Jawaban

Artikel ini akan menyajikan contoh soal pretest Seleksi Akademik PPG Madrasah 2024 bahasa Inggris & jawabannya sebagai acuan untuk mempersiapkan diri.

20 Contoh Soal Pretest Bahasa Inggris PPG Kemenag 2024 & Jawaban
ilustrasi Guru. foto/IStockphoto - Bahasa Inggris menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran yang akan diujikan dalam Seleksi Akademik PPG Madrasah 2024. Artikel ini akan menyajikan sejumlah contoh soal pretest bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya sebagai acuan untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi seleksi.

Kementerian Agama melalui Direktorat GTK Madrasah kembali membuka Seleksi Akademik Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) Madrasah 2024. Rangkaian seleksi ini dimulai dengan pendaftaran yang sudah berlangsung pada 19-23 Februari 2024 lalu.

Saat ini, proses seleksi mulai memasuki tahapan uji coba sistem seleksi akademik yang berlangsung selama dua hari pada 2-3 Maret 2024. Sementara itu, pelaksanaan ujian seleksi akademik akan digelar pada 5-6 Maret 2024 mendatang.

Menurut jadwal yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Kemenag, hasil Seleksi Akademik PPG Madrasah 2024 akan diumumkan sehari setelah ujian atau pada 7 Maret 2024.

Sebelum menjalani ujian, peserta seleksi diharapkan sudah mempersiapkan diri dengan baik, salah satunya dengan mempelajari kisi-kisi materi serta latihan soal.

Kisi-Kisi Seleksi Akademik PPG Madrasah 2024 Bidang Bahasa Inggris

Terdapat sejumlah materi dan sub materi bahasa Inggris yang akan diujikan dalam Seleksi Akademik PPG Madrasah 2024. Kisi-kisi ini dibuat agar peserta seleksi memiliki gambaran tentang soal ujian yang akan dikerjakan dalam seleksi akademik nanti.

Contoh beberapa materi yang akan diujikan antara lain:

  • Sikap Cinta Tanah Air
  • Sikap berwibawa, tegas, disiplin, penuh panggilan jiwa, dan samapta.
  • Sikap kesepenuhhatian dan kemurahhatian.
  • Standar Nasinoal Pendidikan (Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di SMP, SMA dan SMK)
  • Teori/hakekat bahasa Inggris
Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai kisi-kisi materi dan sub materi untuk seleksi Akademik PPG Madrasah 2024 bidang bahasa Inggris bisa dilihat di tautan berikut ini:

Kisi-Kisi Seleksi PPG Madrasah 2024 Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2024 dan Jawabannya

Berikut beberapa contoh soal pretest bahasa Inggris sebagai bahan belajar menghadapi seleksi akademik PPG MAdrasah 2024:

1. There are five types of notice. One of those is information notice. Choose the correct statement that provides an information notice.

A. No Parking

B. Beware of Pickpockets

C. Slow Down

D. For Staff Only

Jawaban: D

2. Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our students’ motivation to continue participation in EFL classes is determining short-term goals which include the following EXCEPT....

A. the successful writing of an essay

B. the ability to partake in a discussion

C. the possibility of a better job in the future

D. the learning of a small amount of new language

Jawaban: C

3. As notice is a part of short functional text, it has some language features. One of those features is ...

A. Having many pictures

B. Using imperative sentence

C. Containing adjectives

D. Using past simple form

Jawaban: B

4. When you create a poster, it is necessary to consider its generic structure. Which one is not the structures of poster?

A. Title area

B. Footer area

C. Main area


Jawaban: D

5. A good poster or banner has some characteristics such as look at me, read me, and ask me. Those mean ... except

A. It should be attractive

B. It stimulates idea or thought

C. There should be a text as necessary

D. There should be a lot of images

Jawaban: D

6. Applying the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage a supportive atmosphere in the classroom by means of the following acts EXCEPT

A. Listening to the students

B. Encouraging them to share their feelings

C. Accepting their comments without judgement

D. Obliging students to do what they plan to do that day

Jawaban: D

7. Notice is used to announce something or to provide important information. When you create a notice, it should be ... except

A. Written in capital font

B. Easy to understand

C. Written in simple and short text

D. Supported by a descriptive paragraph

Jawaban: D

8. When you see a large piece of silk or other cloth, with a device or motto and it is put in some conspicuous place, it is called as ...A. Poster

B. Banner

C. Notice

D. Graphic

Jawaban: B

9. The following is NOT one of the characteristics of successful infographics…

A. Focusing on text

B. Having clear goals

C. Easily understood

D. Compelling narrative

Jawaban: A

10. What is the main function of hierarchical infographics?

A. To share a collection of tips

B. To arrange information from greatest to least

C. To provide a summary/ overview of steps in process

D. To visualize the history of something

Jawaban: B

11. If you want to present survey data, what type of infographic suits your goal?

A. Process infographic

B. Hierarchical infographic

C. Geographic infographic

D. Statistical infographic

Jawaban: D

12. If you are going to present the process of a complete metamorphosis of butterflies, the most appropriate type of graphic organizer you can use is…

A. Description graphic organizer

B. Sequence graphic organizer

C. Cause and effect graphic organizer

D. Problem and solution graphic organizer

Jawaban: B

13. As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following, EXCEPT ....

A. Idioms

B. Routines

C. Turn-taking

D. Collocations

Jawaban: C

14. When putting syllabuses together, an EFL curriculum designer has to consider each item for inclusion in the syllabuses on the basis of the following criteria EXCEPT....

A. Learnability

B. Usefulness

C. Coverage

D. Grading

Jawaban: D

15. The presentation/development step of a lesson plan should involve activities on the part of the students. It should be carried out by keeping in mind the following principles, EXCEPT...

A. Principle of selection

B. Principle of categorization

C. Principle of division

D. Principle of successive sequence

Jawaban: B

16. The presentation phase of a lesson plan can take a variety of forms. The following are suggestions on how to present new materials to class EXCEPT ....

A. Guided exercises

B. eacher centered explanation

C. Reading selection

D. Listening selection

Jawaban: A

17. The closure step of a lesson plan is a chance to determine whether the students need additional practice or to go over the lesson again. The following are examples of closure in an effective lesson plan EXCEPT ....A. summarizing the characteristics of the lesson

B. discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson

C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class

D. asking what information from the lesson the students will fi nd important

Jawaban: C

18. A well-developed lesson plan should be completed with assignments to guide the instructor’s choice of assessment measures by providing information about student and class comprehension of the material. The following are among the questions to consider EXCEPT ....

A. What level of learning do the students need to attain?

B. How does the lesson plan fi t particular instructional principles?

C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use?

D. How does the assignment fi t with the rest of the lesson plan?

Jawaban: B

19. When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan, remember that students need to be able to perform their skills on their own. So, keep the following things in mind EXCEPT ....

A. Make a clear connection between the lesson and the homework

B. Make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson

C. Clearly explain the assignment to be given to the learners

D. Ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates

Jawaban: D

20. Free practice designed for an effective lesson plan integrates the focus structure/vocabulary/functional language into students’ overall language use. It often encourages students to use the target language structures in the following EXCEPT ....

A. Games and puzzles

B. Small group discussions

C. Quizzes and formative tests

D. Longer listening comprehension practice

Jawaban: C

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Kontributor: Erika Erilia
Penulis: Erika Erilia
Editor: Yulaika Ramadhani