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Kumpulan Kata-Kata Ucapan MPLS 2023 Singkat dan Penuh Makna

Ucapan MPLS 2023 untuk menyemangati peserta didik baru id hari pertama sekolah.

Kumpulan Kata-Kata Ucapan MPLS 2023 Singkat dan Penuh Makna
Guru memberikan materi pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik baru yang mengikuti Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah (MPLS) tahun ajaran 2023/2024 di SMP Negeri 14 Denpasar, Bali, Senin (10/7/2023). ANTARA FOTO/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo/tom. - Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah (MPLS) merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada hari pertama masuk sekolah dan wajib diikuti oleh seluruh siswa didik baru.

Tujuannya untuk memperkenalkan para siswa baru terkait semua hal yang berhubungan dengan sekolah, seperti perkenalan semua kegiatan rutin sekolah, norma, budaya, sistem hingga tata tertib yang berlaku.

Apabila Anda memiliki rekan atau keluarga yang akan memasuki sekolah baru baik jenjang SMP, SMA/Sederajat dapat mengirimkan mereka kalimat-kalimat menyentuh sebagai bentuk ucapan selamat.

Biasanya mereka akan merasa takut untuk menghadapi program MPLS dari sekolah, sehingga memberikan kata-kata menyentuh dan semangat akan mengurangi rasa takut dan siap untuk mengikuti MPLS hingga selesai.

Kumpulan Kata-Kata Ucapan MPLS 2023 Singkat dan Penuh Makna

Berikut kumpulan kata-kata yang dapat dipakai untuk memberikan ucapan selamat kepada rekan maupun anak yang akan melaksanakan hari pertama sekolah atau program MPLS di sekolah yang baru:

1. School will give you a new family. Do not worry. Good luck on your first day of school.

2. Happy first day of school dear! I wish you good luck. May you find it very enjoyable to make new friends and new teachers.

3. I hope you will make a lot of friends today and have lots of fun. Happy first day of school.

4. Wishing you a lot of fun during the first day of your school. Good luck with learning new things that will stay with you forever in your life!

5. Wishing you a lot of success and a lot of friends as you prepare yourself for the first day of school. You are going to remember this day for a long time for sure!

6. Sending lots of love and best wishes to you my little princess. You are about to start your very first academic journey in life. May you have so much fun today!

7. Your school has started and you have grown up to become a smart girl. Have a fun day at school, my princess.

8. It is time to embrace all the new and exciting things in life. I know you are a strong, brave, and very smart girl. Have a nice day at school!

9. You are too lovable to be ignored. I am sure you will make so many friends on your first day. Never stop yourself from making new and exciting memories. Have a great day!

10. Every time you get an opportunity to express your talents, do not be nervous. By speaking, you can let the world know how brilliant you are. Wishing you all the best for a great year ahead.

11. Attent your first class with curiosity and hope, and come home with the knowledge that lasts forever! Wishing my little princess a great first day at school!

12. You are unique, so trust yourself! Do not get nervous when it comes to introducing yourself to your teachers and new friends. Have an amazing day and good luck!

13. The school will give you a new family. Do not worry, my son. Good luck on your first day of school.

14. Happy first day of school, Son! I wish you all the luck. May you find it enjoyable, make new friends and meet the best teachers.

15. Dear friend, I hope you will make a lot of friends on your first day of school and have lots of fun!

16. Wishing you a lot of fun on your first day of school. Get lucky and have fun!

17. It feels like it is only yesterday I was cradling you. Anda today, you are starting school. Happy first day of school, my dear.

18. My dear is going to school to have a new adventure of her own, and I am very proud of her. Have a great first day at school, dear.

19. I swear I will love you to the moon and back even if you get an F someday. Best wishes on your first day at school, honey!

20. Congratulations! I wish you a lot of happiness and joy on the very first day of your school. Embrace the excitement.

21. School is the first step of the stair that leads to success. I am so happy to see you all prepared for the first little step towards success!

22. You are going to have lots of adventures, but nothing would feel like what you are going to experience today. have a great first day at school, dear.

23. May you find something to celebrate every day in your school life. Wishing you a cheerful first day of school my dear! Best wishes for the first day of school!

24. It's time to impress everyone with your talents and hunger for knowledge. I'm sure your new teachers will be so happy to have you in the class!

25. Learn about everything but keep it with you all your life. Happy first day at school, dear.

26. I know you are nervous but you are actually too excited to make and meet teachers and new friends. Best wishes for your first day at school!

27. I wish you luck on your very first day of school, my dear. I am sure you are going to win everybody's heart today with your innocence.

28. Congratulations, my daughter! I wish you a lot of happiness on your very first day at your school. Embrace the excitement and enjoy your day!

29. May you have something to celebrate every day in your life at school. Wishing you a cheerful first day of school, my daughter!

30. Learn about everything but keep it with you all your life. Happy first day at school, dear Daughter.

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Kontributor: Wulandari
Penulis: Wulandari
Editor: Dipna Videlia Putsanra