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Kumpulan Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan ide ucapan ulang tahun yang bisa disampaikan untuk teman-teman dalam bahasa Inggris yang menarik dan menyentuh.

Kumpulan Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris
Ulang Tahun. foto/istockphoto - Hari ulang tahun bisa menjadi salah satu momen membahagiakan bagi banyak orang. Memberi ucapan selamat ulang tahun mungkin hanya kalimat sederhana namun bisa jadi sangat bermakna jika disampaikan oleh orang-orang terkasih.

Ucapan ultah yang disampaikan untuk sahabat atau teman umumnya memuat doa, harapan, dan rasa sayang terhadap mereka. Mengingat pesan ini disampaikan untuk sahabat, ucapan juga bisa diselipkan kata-kata candaan atau humor.

Berikut ini 20 ide ucapan ulang tahun yang bisa disampaikan untuk teman-teman.

20 Ide Ucapan Ulang Tahun Buat Sahabat dan Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Today, you're the birthday queen and should not accept anything less. Drink, eat, be merry, and have a happy birthday!

2. I hope your birthday is more than epic, although you're pretty epic all year long!

3. You're the brightest star in the galaxy! Happy birthday!

4. I can barely keep up with everyone’s birthdays these days, but you better believe I’d never forget yours. Happy birthday to the best friend there is.

5. Happy birthday to someone who is smart, talented, pretty, creative, and fabulous. I love that we’re so much alike.

6. Another year to prove that older doesn’t really mean wiser. Happy birthday.

7. Happy birthday to you! Here’s to another year of lasting joy and incredible friends. Thanks for being awesome!

8. I hope you get to do something grand to celebrate your special day. You deserve it! Happy birthday!

9. It is scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer. Congrats on your success.

10. When I say, “have a happy birthday,” you better freaking do it!

11. You're older than yesterday but younger than tomorrow — happy birthday!

12. Cheers to you and all the amazing things you do! Take a drink and have a very happy birthday!

13. I can barely keep up with everyone’s birthdays these days, but you better believe I’d never forget yours. Happy birthday to the best friend there is.

14. Here’s to hoping all your candles this year don’t set off the fire alarm. Your birthday is gonna be lit.

15. Warm wishes and lots of love on your birthday and all year round. Happy birthday!

16. Happy Birthday! Wishing you another rocking birthday for a rockin’ guy.

17. Joy, love, and lots of cake on your very happy birthday!

18. Wishing you a very happy birthday and another blessed year!

19. One day a year is all about you, and that day’s today! Happy birthday!

20. Happy birthday! Wishing you another fun-filled day full of celebration!

Baca juga artikel terkait UCAPAN ULANG TAHUN UNTUK TEMAN atau tulisan lainnya dari Ruhma Syifwatul Jinan - Gaya hidup
Kontributor: Ruhma Syifwatul Jinan
Penulis: Ruhma Syifwatul Jinan
Editor: Nur Hidayah Perwitasari