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Kata-kata Hari Ibu 2023 Bahasa Inggris untuk Caption Medsos

Rekomendasi kata-kata ucapan Hari Ibu Nasional 22 Desember 2023 untuk caption media sosial dalam bahasa Inggris. 

Kata-kata Hari Ibu 2023 Bahasa Inggris untuk Caption Medsos
Ilustrasi Hari Ibu. FOTO/iStockphoto - Perayaan Hari Ibu Nasional tahun ini jatuh pada 22 Desember 2023. Peringatan Hari Ibu sebagai apresiasi dan penghormatan atas jasa seorang ibu dalam kiprah mereka mendukung kemajuan bagi keluarga masing-masing.

Hari Ibu 2023 bisa dirayakan dengan mengirimkan pesan dan kata-kata cinta kasih buat ibu. Kata-kata ucapan Hari Ibu 2023 dapat disampaikan melalui caption di media sosial (medsos) dalam bahasa Inggris.

Sejarah Hari Ibu di Indonesia, bermula dari diselenggarakannya Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I di Yogyakarta pada 22-25 Desember 1928. Kongres ini menjadi cikal bakal pelaksanaan Kongres Wanita Indonesia (Kowani).

Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I berlangsung dua bulan setelah Kongres Pemuda II digelar di Jakarta, 28 Oktober 1928, yang menghasilkan ikrar Sumpah Pemuda. Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I diikuti sebanyak 30 organisasi perempuan dari 12 kota di Jawa dan Sumatra.

Agenda penyelenggaraan kongers beragam, mulai dari menginisiasi persatuan perempuan nusantara dan peranan perempuan pada perjuangan kemerdekaan.

Ada beberapa poin peran perempuan yang dibahas dalam Kongres Perempuan. Poin-poin pembahasan itu meliputi aspek pembangunan bangsa, perbaikan gizi ibu dan balita, hingga pernikahan dini bagi perempuan.

Tujuh tahun setelah kongres pertama, Kowani kembali digelar untuk kedua kalinya pada Juli 1935. Kongres Perempuan Indonesia II berhasil melahirkan Badan Pemberantasan Buta Huruf (BPBH). Para anggota juga sepakat untuk menentang kesewenangan atas buruh wanita pada perusahaan batik di Lasem, Rembang.

Selanjutnya, Kongres Perempuan Indonesia III digelar pada 1938. Di Kongres Perempuan Indonesia III inilah muncul gagasan untuk menetapkan tanggal 22 Desember yang bertepatan dengan Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I sebagai Hari Ibu Nasional.

Penetapan Hari Ibu diresmikan oleh Presiden Soekarno setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hari Ibu disahkan melalui Dekrit Presiden Nomor 316 Tahun 1959.

Ucapan Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris untuk Caption

Ucapan Hari Ibu dapat dipersembahkan bagi seluruh ibu di dunia. Ucapan selamat ini mengungkapkan rasa syukur, apresiasi, hingga doa atas segala hal yang dilakukan wanita ketika mereka menjadi orang tua.

Sosok ibu tidak akan tergantikan bagi siapa pun sepanjang hidup. Berikut beberapa ucapan selamat Hari Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan caption media sosial, atau dikirimkan langsung pada ibu:

1. Mom, Mama, Mama Bear, Bestie, Superwoman—did I miss any of your other titles? Wishing the happiest Mother's Day to the absolute best.

2. Happy Mother's Day to the woman who effortlessly juggles it all! I consider myself truly blessed to have you as my mom.

3. Being raised by the best mom is an absolute privilege. I'll never underestimate the sacrifices you've made. Happy Mother's Day!

4. Your unmatched patience and tenderness in our family don't go unnoticed. We know we're blessed, and the world recognizes it too. Happy Mother's Day.

5. Happy Mother's Day. Mom, your presence makes my heart smile. Thank you for always being my rock and safe harbor.

6. Today is all about you! Let's celebrate your incredible life and the hard work you've put in to help shape us into the best versions of ourselves. Happy Mother's Day.

7. Happy Mother's Day to the world's greatest guardian, storyteller, chef, homework-helper, and style icon.

8. While the world celebrates you today, in this family, we celebrate you every day. Thank you for being the best mom anyone could ask for. Happy Mother's Day.

9. Thanks for turning our house into a home and making life so bright! Happy Mother's Day.

10. Everything I'm proud to see in myself, I learned from you. Thanks for being the best mentor, guide, and example one could ask for. Happy Mother's Day.

11. Happy Mother's Day! Thanks for always being the glue that holds this family together.

12. To the sweetest mom in the world, Happy Mother's Day! Your love and guidance have shaped me into who I am today.

13. To the woman who always prioritizes her family, Happy Mother's Day! You inspire us all.

14. Thank you for being my rock, confidant, and best friend. Happy Mother's Day.

15. You are the heart and soul of our family. Happy Mother's Day to the most caring and loving mom!

16. Your love has been a constant source of strength and support in my life. Happy Mother's Day.

17. You've always been there for me, no matter what. Happy Mother's Day!

18. Your kindness, love, and generosity never cease to amaze me. Happy Mother's Day to the most wonderful mom!

19. Thank you for being my mom, mentor, and role model. Happy Mother's Day to the woman I admire the most!

20. Your unconditional love and unwavering support have shaped me into the person I am today. Happy Mother's Day.

21. I am so grateful for all the sacrifices you've made for our family.

22. Well, you were right about absolutely everything. Thanks for being my mom. Happy Mother's Day.

23. Moms are like buttons—they hold everything in life together. Happy Mother's Day.

24. My love for you is bigger than that overflowing pile of laundry in my room. Happy Mother's Day.

25. Thank you for all the hugs, words of encouragement, and patience through the years. Happy Mother's Day.

26. I'm so glad I didn't fall far from the tree. Happy Mother's Day.

27. I'm proud to be your kid. Happy Mother's Day.

28. You're the best mom in the world, and I'm thankful for you every day. Happy Mother's Day.

29. Mom, I hope you relax and enjoy today just like you deserve. Happy Mother's Day.

30. Thank you for being someone I could always look up to, Mom. Happy Mother's Day.

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Kontributor: Ilham Choirul Anwar
Penulis: Ilham Choirul Anwar
Editor: Iswara N Raditya & Yonada Nancy