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Ucapan Happy International Hijab Solidarity Day 4 Sept 2023

Ucapan Hari Solidaritas Hijab Internasional yang diperingati 4 September 2023.

Ucapan Happy International Hijab Solidarity Day 4 Sept 2023
Ilustrasi Lebaran. foto/istockphoto - Tanggal 4 September diperingati sebagai International Hijab Solidarity Day (IHSD) atau Hari Solidaritas Hijab Internasional.

Peringatan ini muncul setelah banyak negara melakukan diskriminasi dengan melarang warga untuk memakai sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan simbol-simbol keagamaan, termasuk hijab.

Larangan ini memicu banyak protes dan membuat masyarakat di berbagai negara tersebut marah, hingga akhirnya tercetus Hari Solidaritas Hijab Internasional.

Selain itu, terbentuknya Hari Solidaritas Hijab Internasional juga diperkuat dengan kematian Marwa El-Sherbini yang merupakan seorang ibu rumah tangga yang dibunuh disaat memberikan kesaksian mengenai penghinaan yang diberikan kepadanya karena mengenakan hijab, pada Juni 2009 silam.

Marwa El Sherbini dibunuh dengan cara ditikam oleh seorang keturunan Rusia yang dikenal sebagai Axel W hingga tewas. Namun sebelumnya, Marwa juga menggugat si pelaku setelah dia menyebutnya “teroris” karena mengenakan jilbab.

Oleh karena itu, dari kasus pembunuhan Marwa itulah membuat Federasi Organisasi Islam Eropa memperingatinya pertama kali pada tahun 2009 untuk mengenang Marwa El Sharbini.

Sejak saat itu, muslimah di beberapa negara Eropa seperti Inggris, Prancis, Turki dan lainnya mulai merayakan hak mereka untuk menggunakan hijab. Kemudian , Hari Solidaritas Hijab Internasional juga kerap dimanfaatkan sebagai bentuk syiar untuk mengajak lebih banyak lagi muslimah untuk berhijab.

Ucapan Hari Solidaritas Hijab Internasional 2023

Mengutip dari berbagai sumber, berikut kumpulan kutipan atau ucapan Hari Solidaritas Hijab Internasional 2023 beserta terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia.

1. The hijab is a personal choice that speaks to modesty, privacy, and individuality.

2. Wearing a hijab is a sign of devotion, not oppression.

3. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth, it’s a symbol of empowerment, freedom, and identity.

4. The hijab is a symbol of modesty, privacy, and morality.

5. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth, it’s a symbol of empowerment, freedom, and identity.

6. The hijab is a symbol of respect, dignity, and self-worth.

7. A hijab makes you more beautiful and you should not be ashamed of it. Happy World Hijab Day!

8. Your hijab does not make you any less beautiful. Happy World Hijab Day!

9. Wishing you a happy World Hijab Day! May you continue to wear your hijab with pride and confidence.

10. On World Hijab Day, let us celebrate the beauty and strength of all women who choose to wear the hijab.

11. World Hijab Day, let us remember that the hijab symbolizes empowerment, not oppression.

12. Your hijab shows who you are and reflects your devotion to God. Happy World Hijab Day!

13. Hijab or no Hijab, a woman should be respected and loved irrespective of what garments she chooses to wear.

14. Wishing all the women who wear the hijab a happy and empowering World Hijab Day!

15. Wishing you a happy World Hijab Day! May you continue to wear your hijab with grace and dignity.

16. Today, on World Hijab Day, let us stand in solidarity with all women who choose to wear the hijab.

17. The Hijab does not make a woman a terrorist nor does it make a woman any less respectable. Happy World Hijab Day!

18. This is a very good movement and I feel every woman should take part and wear the hijab to promote sisterhood among our Muslim sisters. Happy World Hijab Day.

19. A hijab is a Muslim woman’s pride and she should not be scrutinized or harassed because of it. Happy World Hijab Day!

20. There are no garments that can invite judgments for its owner and definitely not a hijab that a Muslim woman wears to show her devotion to her religion. Happy World Hijab Day!

21. This is a very innovative cause and we all support Namza Khan’s initiative to prove that hijab doesn’t make a woman any different from other women and so she should not be judged on the basis of it. Happy World Hijab Day!

22. A hijab does not make a woman any less beautiful so wear it with pride and wish everyone a very Happy World Hijab Day!

23. A Muslim woman shows her devotion to her religion by wearing a Hijab and this Noble cause should not entice other people to make her life difficult. Be kind and wish everyone a very happy World Hijab Day!

24. A hijab makes you more elegant and you should wear it with pride. Happy World Hijab Day!

25. Dear ladies, let us all rock the hijab today and show the world that all women are equal. Happy World Hijab Day!

26. The hijab is proof that modesty is as beautiful as anything else if not more. Happy World Hijab Day !

27. Dear parents, teach your children to not mock the little girl in school because of her hijab instead teach them to admire her devotion to her religion. Happy World Hijab Day !

28. The Muslim women show their faith in Allah by wearing the Hijab and this does not make her a terrorist and she should not be judged or bullied because of it. Happy World Hijab Day !

29. A hijab is a symbol of modesty, piety, and devotion to God and not a means of applying social pressure to an individual. Have a very happy World Hijab Day.

30. Wishing everyone a very Happy World Hijab Day and hoping that people understand the true meaning of this day!

Baca juga artikel terkait HIJAB atau tulisan lainnya dari Olivia Rianjani - Sosial budaya
Kontributor: Olivia Rianjani
Penulis: Olivia Rianjani
Editor: Dipna Videlia Putsanra