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30 Ucapan Natal Bahasa Inggris yang Simpel dan Penuh Makna

Ide 30 ucapan Natal bahasa Inggris yang simpel tetapi penuh makna.

30 Ucapan Natal Bahasa Inggris yang Simpel dan Penuh Makna
Ilustrasi natal. Getty Images/iStockphoto - Hari Raya Natal sudah dekat. Menjelang tanggal 25 Desember, ada kebiasaan untuk membagikan hampers atau hadiah natal kepada kerabat. Dalam hampers tersebut, Anda tentunya perlu menyelipkan ucapan Natal.

Ucapan Natal 2022 juga bisa dikirim tanpa hadiah. Melalui kartu ucapan ini, Anda sudah menunjukkan perhatian dan kasih sayang di hari Natal.

Tidak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk memasuki semangat liburan selain membaca kutipan Natal atau puisi Natal inspirasional yang ditulis di dalam kartu yang dipilih hanya untuk Anda.

Salam Natal, khususnya, membuat pesan singkat yang sempurna untuk ditulis di dalam kartu yang dibeli di toko untuk menunjukkan kepada penerima betapa Anda peduli terhadap mereka.

Ucapan Natal Bahasa Inggris 2022

Jika Anda kesulitan dengan apa yang harus dikatakan kepada rekan kerja, atasan Anda, atau siapa pun, Anda dapat menemukan inspirasi ucapan Natal di bawah ini, dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

  1. “Christmas is a time for family, food and fellowship. Wishing you nothing but the best that the season has to offer.”
  2. “Merry Christmas! This coming year, may you be gifted with countless blessings.”
  3. “This holiday season, may you and your family experience light and laughter.”
  4. “It's people like you that make Christmas a sacred, meaningful occasion. Merry Christmas!”
  5. “Gifts come and go, what really matters are the people who light up our lives all year long. Thank you!”
  6. "Sending lots of peace and joy to you and your family this Christmas season."
  7. "Wishing you safe travels and that you become closer to all those that you treasure in your heart this Christmas season."
  8. "May your life be filled with warmth and good cheer this holiday season and throughout the New Year."
  9. "May this Christmas bring you many reasons to smile. Share this wonderful time of year with those near and dear to your heart."
  10. "Happy Holidays! Thank you for all your support and guidance this year. Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year."
  11. "Greetings of the season and best wishes for the New Year! I look forward to working with you again in 2023."
  12. "Merry Christmas to you and your family, and very best wishes for the New Year."
  13. “May your Christmas be relaxing and stress-free so that you can recharge for the new year. Happy Holidays!”
  14. "Cheers to warm holiday memories!"
  15. "May your heart and home be filled with all of the joys the festive season brings. Here is a toast to a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!"
  16. "Cheers to a lovely Christmas season."
  17. "Good tidings to you and yours. May you have a lovely Christmas season."
  18. "You make work cheery and festive — just like this Christmas season. Thank you for all you do and best wishes."
  19. “Blessings to you this Christmas season.”
  20. “Celebrating the good news of Christmas and the blessing of knowing good people like you.”
  21. “Christmas is here and He is born! Hope your Christmas is blessed.”
  22. “Wishing joy to your world and peace to your heart this Christmas.”
  23. “So thankful for the blessing you are in my life. Merry Christmas.”
  24. “Glory to the newborn King! Merry Christmas to you and yours.”
  25. “Jesus is born! Have a merry Christmas.”
  26. “Hope you feel all the blessings and love sent down from heaven on that first Christmas.”
  27. “O come let us adore Him! Wishing lots of joy and love to you and yours this Christmas.”
  28. “Rejoicing with you in the birth of our Savior this Christmas season.”
  29. “May your spirit rejoice in the wonder of His birth. Wishing you a joy-filled Christmas season.”
  30. “Wishing you hope, peace, joy, and love as you celebrate Christmas.”

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Penulis: Dipna Videlia Putsanra
Editor: Yantina Debora