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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 dan Jawabannya

Contoh soal tes Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 untuk soal Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 dan Jawabannya
Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir pada acara ramah tamah dengan media di Kantor BUMN, Jakarta, Rabu (3/5/2023). ( Reyhan Ghifari) - Ujian tahap kedua dalam rekrutmen calon pegawai Badan usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) meliputi tes bahasa Inggris yang dijadwalkan pada 20 - 22 Juli 2023.

Pada tahap pertama, peserta akan mengikuti seleksi Tes Kemampuan Dasar (TKD) dan Tes Akhlak untuk lulusan D-III hingga S-2 dan TKD saja bagi lulusan SMA/sederajat yang dilaksanakan pada 12 - 21 Juni 2023.

Peserta yang lolos tahap pertama akan mengikuti tahap selanjutnya yaitu ujian tulis kemampuan bahasa Inggris.

Oleh karena itu, diperlukan persiapan yang cukup matang mengingat jumlah pesaing yang ikut serta dalam tes BUMN 2023.

Sebagai bahan persiapan salah satunya adalah berlatih soal-soal bahasa Inggris sesering mungkin agar tidak asing saat hari pelaksanaan ujian.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tes Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 dan Jawabannya

Berikut contoh soal-soal bahasa Inggris BUMN yang dilengkapi dengan pembahasannya sebagai bahan latihan:

1. "When did you realize you had lost your purse" "when I ..., one to pay the conductor"

a. was needing

b. had needing

c. have needing

d. am needing

jawaban: b

2. Your son will be operated on tomorrow morning. He ... have a good rest tonight' the doctor said.

a. might

b. may

c. can

d. must

jawaban: d

3. "Why didn't Didi want to go home?" His mother ... him for causing the car accident

a. would blame

b. has blamed

c. is blaming

d. had blamed


4. ... Miss Claea nor Mr Elang will attend the annual workshop next Monday

a. neither

b. either

c. both

d. not only

jawaban: a

5. ..., the Alpaca is smaller than the Ilama and ordinarily is not used as a beast of burden.

a. A sure-footed animal

b. That sure-footed animal

c. It is a sire-footed animal

d. A sure-footed animal that

jawaban: a

6. Don't persuade Joan's husband to buy her a ring, he is rather ... over money matters.

a. jealous

b. mean

c. selfish

d. greedy

jawaban: b

7. I would have gone to your party last night if ... time

a. had

b. would had

c. had had

d. have

jawaban: a

8. Education in Indonesia is the ... of school, government and society.

a. responsible

b. responsive

c. responsibly

d. responsibility

jawaban: d

9. Your son will be operated on tomorrow morning. He ... have a good rest tonight the doctor said.

a. indifference

b. deliberation

c. consternation

d. ambivalence

jawaban: e

10. The great apes, a generally peaceful species ... in groups

a. would rather living

b. would rather live

c. would rather lives

d. would rather they live

jawaban: b

11. Andika, will you close the windows, please. I'm busy right now. I'm busy myself, but I ... anyhow

a. will close them

b. will have to close them

c. will have them closed

d. will ask you to close them

12. The passengers the Aagle Airways ... their flight schedule several times.

a. look over

b. look into

c. look out

d. look after

jawaban: a

13. I would have gone to your party last night if ... time.

a. had

b. would had

c. had had

d. have

jawaban: a

14. The new innovations at the world's fair were fascinating. Which word of the above sentence makes it incorrect?

a. the

b. new

c. at

d. were

jawaban: c

15. Since the road is wet this morning, ... last night

a. it must rain

b. it must be raining

c. it must have rained

d. it must have been rain

16. I ... the advertisement at local newspaper.

a. reading

b. would reading

c. have reading

d. to read

jawaban: d

17. We went to the painting exhibition ... the rain.

a. because

b. although

c. in spite of

d. despite of

jawaban: d

18. Since it is already very late, we ...

a. had better leaving

b. ought to have leave

c. should take a tour

d. might as well leave

19. I counted twenty students at ..., the others were all members of the teaching staff.

a. the least

b. the most

c. the fewest

d. the more

jawaban: a

20. We had to wait a long time to get these books back, ... ?

a. don't we

b. couldn't we

c. didn't we

d. shouldn't we

jawaban: c

21. I will watch Ghost Stories on metro TV as soon as I ... my typing.

a. have finished

b. finish

c. am finishing

d. finished

jawaban: b

22. Do you know ...?

a. what time the movie starts

b. what time starts the movie

c. what time does the movie start

d. the movie start what time

jawaban: a

23. I said that I would rather not ... it right now

a. discussing

b. to discuss

c. discuss

d. discussion

jawaban: c

24. She ... on airplanes many times.

a. flight

b. has flown

c. is flying

d. fly

jawaban: b

25. She went to the school by taxi. She ... by bus. There is a bus driver strike today.

a. might gone

b. should go

c. should have gone

d. ought have gone

jawaban: c

26. The streets all over Jakarta are flooded. ... last night.

a. it must be raining

b. there might have rain

c. it must have rained

d. there might have been raining

jawaban: c

27. A trip to Bali should ...

a. benefit to you

b. be well for you

c. do you good

d. be beneficial with you

jawaban: b

28. The region is not fertile, ... it is an industrial area.

a. nevertheless

b. since

c. because

d. as

jawaban: d

29. Don't persuade Joan's husband to buy her a ring, he is rather ... over money matters.

a. jealous

b. mean

c. selfish

d. greedy

jawaban: b

30. I recommended that the organization ... its by-laws as soon as possible.

a. finished composing

b. should finish composing

c. finish composing

d. finishes composing

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Kontributor: Wulandari
Penulis: Wulandari
Editor: Dipna Videlia Putsanra