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Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 dan Jawaban

Contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 beserta jawaban yang dapat digunakan siswa untuk latihan dan belajar menghadapi ujian tengah semester.

Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 dan Jawaban
Ilustrasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris. [foto/shutterstock] - Contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 beserta jawaban dapat digunakan siswa untuk latihan dan belajar menghadapi ujian tengah semester.

Kisi-kisi soal UTS Bahasa Inggris yang disajikan dalam teks ini disesuaikan dengan materi yang terdapat dalam semester genap pada Kurikulum Merdeka.

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 adalah terkait matematika (mathematic), profesi (professions), dan transportasi (transportation) hingga pertengahan semester. Selanjutnya, di akhir semester genap, materi yang disampaikan seputar bentuk (shape), perpustakaan (library), serta cuaca dan musim (weather and season).

Bentuk soal yang dihadirkan dalam bentuk pilihan ganda dan esai. Siswa dihadapkan pula dengan soal yang diawali dengan bacaan singkat, lalu menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks tersebut. Selain itu, ada pula pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan ketatabahasaan pada Bahasa Inggris.

Materi contoh soal dan jawaban ini bisa menjadi cara untuk mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa di kelas. Tak hanya itu, guru juga dapat memanfaatkannya sebagai referensi dalam mengembangkan berbagai pertanyaan baru sesuai kebutuhan siswa.

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester Genap

Berikut contoh soal untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa kelas 5 semester genap. Jawaban soal ada di pilihan jawaban dan kata yang dicetak tebal.

This text is for questions number 1 – 5.

Going to a Post Office

My best friend and I are going to a post ofice this afternoon. The post office in my city is far from my house. The post office in my city is located between the mall and the bank. There is a mosque in front of the post office. There is also a little city park in the right side of the mosque.

My best friend wants to mail her letter to her parents in Yogyakarta. In the post office, I want to buy some envelopes and stamps. I also want to write a letter and send it to my cousin. He lives in Norway.

1. Where are the writer and her best friend going this afternoon?

a. They are going to the mall

b. They are going to the post office

c. They are going to the city park

d. They are going to the bank

2. Where is the post office located?

a. It is located between the city park and the bank

b. It is located between the bank and the mosque

c. It is located between the mall and the bank

d. It is located between the mall and the mosque

3. Where is the city park located?

a. It is located next to the mall

b. It is located next to the bank

c. It is located next to the mosque

d. It is located next to the post office

4. Why does the writer’s best friend want to go to the post office?

a. She wants to send the letter to her parents

b. She wants to mail the packet to her parents

c. She wants to send the letter to her cousin

d. She wants to mail the letter to her cousin

5. Where does the writer’s cousin live?

a. He lives in Yogyakarta

b. He lives in Norway

c. He lives in Jakarta

d. He lives in Bandung

6. I look the moon at....

a. rainy

b. sunny

c. night

d. village

7. My stomach is sick. I have....

a. penicillin

b. stomachache

c. headache

d. a cold

8. Andi : Let's go to library

Rini : Ok

They want to ...

a. reading books

b. playing football

c. listening music

d. watching the film

9. You can buy stationery in the ...

a. movie

b. bookstore

c. mosque

d. bank

10. Ardi and Lia are crossing the road on ...

a. zebra

b. zebra cross

c. river

d. lift

11. Retno : Can you hold these books, please?

Hanni : … , I can.

a. Excuse me

b. I am sorry

c. Thank you

d. Sure

12. Gilang : Do you mind getting me my new uniform?

Bimo : …. , I will get it for you.

a. I am sorry

b. Excuse me

c. Thank you

d. Of course

13. Denny : What is twenty five plus thirteen?

Nita : It is …

a. Thirty eight

b. Forty eight

c. Twenty eight

d. Twelve

14. Kania : What is eighty divided by five?

Hannah : It is …

a. Seventeen

b. Sixteen

c. Fifteen

d. Fourteen

15. Fahri : Dad, where does the train stop?

Mr. Adi : The train stops at the …

a. Train station

b. Bus stop

c. Harbour

d. Airport.

Soal Esai Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2

1. Use a . . . for wiping the wrong words on the notebook. (eraser)

2. What colour of coffee? It is ... (black)

3. We smell with our ... (nose)

4. My father save his money in the ... (bank)

5. There are . . . months in the year. (twelve)

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Penulis: Ilham Choirul Anwar
Editor: Yulaika Ramadhani