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31 Ucapan Hari Down Syndrom & Tema World Down Syndrome Day 2023

Tanggal 21 Maret diperingati sebagai World Down Syndrome Day atau Hari Down Sindrom Sedunia. Berikut tema, sejarah dan quotes untuk ucapan.

31 Ucapan Hari Down Syndrom & Tema World Down Syndrome Day 2023
Ilustrasi Down Syndrome. FOTO/iStockphoto - Tanggal 21 Maret diperingati sebagai World Down Syndrome Day atau Hari Down Syndrom Sedunia.

Peringatan ini memberikan kesempatan bagi penyintas down sindrom global agar tetap terhubung untuk berbagi ide, pengalaman dan pengetahuan, hingga memberdayakan satu dengan lainnya.

Selain itu, adanya Hari Down Sindrom Sedunia turut mengadvokasi dan menjangkau perubahan positif mengenai persamaan hak untuk orang dengan down sindrom.

Tema World Down Syndrome Day 2023

Tema yang diangkat di Hari Down Sindrom Sedunia pada 21 Maret 2023 adalah With Us Not For Us.

Tema World Down Syndrome Day 2023 With Us Not For Us.ini ditujukan bagi orang dengan down sindrom di seluruh dunia untuk bersama-sama berkomitmen jika mereka berhak diperlakukan sama.

Pendekatan yang perlu dilakukan bagi orang dengan sindrom mesti berbasis hak asasi manusia.

Mengutip laman World Down Syndrome Day, mereka memiliki hak diperlakuan adil dan punya kesempatan sama seperti orang lain. Misalnya yaitu bekerja bersama-sama orang lai dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup mereka.

Orang dengan down sindrom bukan lagi sebagai objek yang terus diperlakukan sebagai orang rendah, dikasihani, dan selalu mengandalkan orang. Mereka sebenarnya mampu hidup bersanding dengan kebanyakan orang apabila diberikan kesempatan dan dukungan yang sama.

Sejarah Hari Down Sindrom Sedunia

Sejarah World Down Syndrome Day ditetapkan oleh PBB pada tahun 2012 sebagai hari kesadaran secara global. Pemilihan tanggal 21 Maret tidak lepas dari filosofi keunikan down sindrom.

Down sindrom adalah keadaan yang dialami seseorang dalam wujud keterbelakangan perkembangan fisi dan mental anak. Penyebab dari masalah ini adalah ketidaknormalan kromosom.

Pada penyandang down sindrom, tubuh mereka memiliki 3 copy kromosom ke-21. Istilah yang disematkan untuk keadaan ini adalah tisomy 21. Kelainan pada kromosom tersebut yang membuat seseorang mengalami down sindrom semenjak dirinya masih anak-anak.

Keunikan penyebab dari down syndrom itulah yang melatarbelakangi penetapan tanggal 21 Maret sebagai Hari Down Sindrom Sedunia. Tanggal 21 merujuk pada kromosom ke-21 dan bulan Maret mengacu untuk jumlah copy kromosom ke-21 yang berjumlah 3.

Di sisi lain, down sindrom tidak sama dengan autisme. Down syndrom penyebabnya adalah faktor genetik berupa kelainan kromosom. Namun, autisme memiliki sebab dari berbagai faktor.

Infografik Down Syndrome

Infografik Down Syndrome.

31 Ucapan Hari Down Sindrom Sedunia

Pada peringatan Hari Down Syndrom Sedunia, ada cara untuk meningkatkan kesadaran mengenai persamaan hak penyandang down syndrom yaitu dengan berbagi ucapan selamat.

Ucapan Happy World Down Syndrome Day ini dapat diberikan bagi orang dengan down syndrom langsung, sebagai penyemangat mereka. Atau, dapat pula ucapan selamat dikirimkan ke orang lain secara luas agar mereka turut menghargai orang dengan down syndrom.

Berikut contoh ucapan di peringatan Hari Down Syndrom Sedunia 2023:

  1. – On the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day take an oath to change the way the world sees you instead of trying to change the way you see the world.
  2. – Don’t judge someone on just the basis of a diagnosis. You might end up missing their ability, uniqueness, and beauty. Wish you a happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  3. – Remember on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day to not freak out. It is just an extra chromosome. Wish you a happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  4. – Remember on World Down Syndrome Day that Down syndrome is not scary, it is just different. Wish you a happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.

    – Take the hands to help and support people suffering from Down syndrome and not their lives. Best wishes on World Down Syndrome Day.

  5. – Down syndrome might make people a little slow but it also helps to slow it down for the world around them. Wish you a happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  6. – Recognize World Down Syndrome Day and help to spread awareness and support. Happy World Down Syndrome Day.
  7. – We need to remember on World Down Syndrome Day that having Down syndrome is like being born normal. We are all alike and different in our own way and we should respect that. Happy World Down Syndrome Day.
  8. – People with Down syndrome just have a designer gene. Wish you a very happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  9. – Life is the right of every single child And not a privilege for the more fortunate planned and the perfect. Best wishes on World Down Syndrome Day.
  10. – Love and care for all the children equally like they deserve to be. Wish you a very happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  11. – Sometimes the things that you can’t change end up changing you instead. Support them and give them an opportunity to change you. Wish you a very happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  12. – God gives special kids to ordinary, imperfect souls as the greatest treasure to make their lives special too. Best wishes on World Down Syndrome Day.
  13. – People with Down syndrome are chromosomally enhanced and they enhance your world too. Spread awareness, help, and support them on this World Down Syndrome Day.
  14. – Down syndrome is like randomly flipping a coin and winning the lottery. Wish you a very happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  15. – It is important to remember on this World Down Syndrome Day that love doesn’t count chromosomes. Happy World Down Syndrome Day.
  16. – Down syndrome makes you unique and special and the one extra chromosome is a gift from God. Cherish it and celebrate this World Down Syndrome Day.
  17. – “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or cherish because thorn bushes have roses.” On this World Down Syndrome Day, celebrate by cherishing the gifts you have.
  18. – Don’t focus on what they can’t do; focus on what they can achieve on this World Down Syndrome Day. Happy World Down Syndrome Day.
  19. – People suffering from Down syndrome are as special as everyone else. Respect and love them. Wish you a happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  20. – God doesn’t make mistakes; we make mistakes in understanding the people suffering from Down syndrome. Support and love them and celebrate this World Down Syndrome Day.
  21. – 1 out of 1000 people suffer from Down syndrome and it’s our duty to help and save them. Do your part and spread awareness on this World Down Syndrome Day.
  22. – Remember on this occasion of World Down Syndrome Day that every life has value. Respect every life. Happy World Down Syndrome Day.
  23. – Down syndrome helps you to see the world from a different angle. It is not a problem, it is just a challenge that you need to face. Best wishes on World Down Syndrome Day.
  24. – Remember to love people for who they are and what they can do, not on the basis of what they are not. Best wishes on World Down Syndrome Day.
  25. – In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Be kind to everyone who needs help. Wish you a happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  26. – “The problem with this world is that the world worries about disability more than disabled people do.” It is time to correct it. Happy World Down Syndrome Day.
  27. – Show your spirit and support on this World Down Syndrome Day and take a step to create a better world for people suffering from Down syndrome.
  28. – People suffering from Down syndrome don’t need pity, they need freedom of expression and support. Give your shoulder to them and help them. Best wishes on World Down Syndrome Day.
  29. – Everyone has gifts and talents. Everyone has abilities and disabilities. It is how we deal with them that makes a difference. Wish you a happy and healthy World Down Syndrome Day.
  30. – Don’t force people suffering from down syndrome to be someone they are not. Support them so they can spread their uniqueness to the world. Happy World Down Syndrome Day.
  31. – With special, good, and proper education about down syndrome, you can help to change the lives of thousands of people. Celebrate this Down Syndrome Day by helping to spread awareness on day.

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Penulis: Ilham Choirul Anwar
Editor: Yulaika Ramadhani